Mission Statement

Families and Survivors of the Beirut Peacekeepers
One Family * One Purpose

In trying to make sense of a senseless act of violence, to deal with the enormous grief and to begin to accept the reality of our loss, we felt the need to reach out to other families who were experiencing the same agony and trauma we felt. Thus began the Beirut Connection. For the past twenty years lasting friendships have been formed and allowed us to share our grief and joys with one another. It is our hope that through the efforts of many, our sons, husbands, fathers and brothers will not be forgotten. We have joined and supported the Beirut Connection, The Beirut Veterans of America, American Gold Star Mothers and other organizations that honor, support and remember the servicemen and servicewomen who have given and will continue to give whatever is needed to keep the United States of America the home of the free and the land of the brave. We shall continue and go forward.

As one family and one nation, lest we forget October 23, 1983, 241 Marines, sailors and servicemen, The Beirut Peacekeepers were murdered by the terrorist organization Hezbullah, in the largest non-nuclear explosion ever detonated on the face of the earth. The attack was planned, sponsored, facilitated and financed by the government of Iran. It is our mission to bring Iran to justice and to establish a legacy for the Beirut Peacekeepers. That legacy shall be one of Remembrance, Justice and Peace.

They Came in Peace

REMEMBRANCE - “Our First Duty is to Remember” Motto of the Beirut Veterans of America

RESPONSIBILITY - Establish responsibility through the U.S. Court system.

ACCOUNTABILITY - Hold Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism, accountable for their crime through compensation to victims of terrorism.

DETERRENCE - Prevent Iran from continuing to sponsor terrorist actions by holding the Beirut Peacekeeper court case over their heads UNTIL THEY STOP.

JUSTICE - To have our nation and our government stand behind victims of terrorism in our quest for justice. To have our nation and our government facilitate our efforts to stop terrorism at its root. To stop terrorism and the nations that sponsor terrorism from holding the world hostage with this cruel and senseless crime against innocents. To make sure that no other family ever has to experience the agony of losing a loved one in this brutal and senseless way. To foster peace and understanding through dialogue, fairness, cooperation and law. To wipe the word terrorism from the language of the world. Above all else, to remember the price for freedom and honor and respect those who protect it.

PEACE - Without Justice, there will never be Peace.

In their memory and in their honor - Semper Fi